
Logo, Flag and Slogan


Shield symbolizes protection from negative influences

Crescent moon and star represent Islam is the official religion in Malaysia

Two rice stalks represent knowledge,competent,can be rational as well as matured in every action.

Opened Book indicates the role of educational institutions which emphasizes tradition of getting knowledge regardless of background, races, religions dan cultural background in order to produce people in accordance with Falsafah Pendidikan Negara.


Green portrays healthy environment

Red represents warrior spirit and be prepared to protect our beloved nation

Yellow indicates royalty color as the pillar of nation sovereignty.

White symbolizes holiness and sincerity.


Green symbolizes three things in the flag

i. Teenagers can be shaped

ii. Clear pathway in our future

iii. Environment is one of our curriculum

KRS Slogan


"Ilmu" is the foundation of intellectual and skills of KRS members.

"Iman" means deep faith is the foundation of self-developemnt.

"Amal" means continuous appreciation and healthy lifestyle is the result of strong self-disciplined and intellectual.

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